21 January 2010

clicker training!

I started clicker training the whole gang about 6 weeks ago and they have taken to it enthusiastically. To the point that they all queue up outside the closed door of the room where I try to work with each separately, scratching and meowing to be let in, LOL.
Psipsina even hisses and swats at the others waiting their turn when I let her out of the training room, which worries me a bit. I have tried to let her remain in the room staying 'in her spot' while I work with another one, but this is not yet reliable enough and it doesn't always work well - depending on how keen she is on the treats I end up having to control her rather than working with the kitten, so I have to keep the training sessions separate for another while at least. (means I'll probably end up with a frayed carpet by that bedroom door)

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